Pain in the lumbar spine – causes of onset
Pain and discomfort in the lumbar spine can vary in intensity and origin. The main causes of lumbar spine pain can include:
- overload, resulting from work or sport.
- degenerative process of the intervertebral discs
- degeneration of the intervertebral joints of the lumbar spine
- enthesopathy of the iliac and lumbar ligaments
- compression fracture of a vertebra
Depending on the intensity of the pain and its causes, different treatment methods are used. It is important to carry out a thorough history and diagnosis of the patient. The key here is to find the cause of the pain. Lumbar pain can also be caused by problems not related to the spine. The cause of pain can be bladder inflammation, kidney, pancreas or liver disease; painful menstrual periods or endometriosis as well as prostate problems in men. Spinal pain is also associated with excessive stress, undergoing emotional difficulties or excessive fatigue.
Lumbar section of the spine – structure
This part of the spine consists of five vertebrae referred to in the medical literature as L1 – L5. Due to the loads they are subjected to, these are the most massive vertebrae in the entire spine. They are made up of hard bone tissue and their mobility in the lumbar region is ensured by the intervertebral joints present between them and the elastic intervertebral discs, which also have a cushioning function and prevent the vertebrae from rubbing against each other. As the lumbar region is most heavily loaded when the same position is held for a long period of time, a large number of adults currently suffer from lumbar complaints. In practical terms, it is safe to say that everyone will experience more or less lumbar discomfort during their lifetime.

Back pain in the lumbar region. Why does it occur?
Back pain can be caused by a number of factors. We can include congenital conditions, strains and injuries to which our spine is exposed. Pain in the lumbar spine can occur at any age and can be acute, short-term or chronic. Depending on its cause, different methods of treatment and support are used, which is why it is so important to find out the cause of the complaints that arise. Often, a manual examination and the common X-ray are sufficient here, although in some cases a CT scan or MRI may be necessary. These give a more detailed picture and more information with which to determine what the causes of lumbar back pain are.

Overload of the lumbar spine
Spinal overload occurs when the normal function of the soft tissues, pelvic joints and spine is disrupted. The increased tension created by overload leads to the development of inflammation and acute pain in the lumbar spine. Prolonged sitting, frequent or incorrect lifting of objects, being overweight or having weak abdominal muscles and weak back muscles promote spinal overload. These can lead to degeneration of the lumbar spine, which is already a chronic condition. If left untreated, overload complaints can develop into chronic spinal pain syndrome.
Sciatica, discopathy
Pain can also be caused by abnormalities of the discs or intervertebral discs. The most common forms include herniation of the intervertebral disc and its damage or degeneration. Sometimes these types of lesions are only associated with pain, but when there is pressure on the nerves, they can produce symptoms such as numbness, tingling, sensory disturbances or muscle weakness.
Compression fracture of a vertebra
This is a very common condition for people with osteoporosis. The low density of the bone means that even with a minor fall or exertion, the vertebra can be damaged. The pain in the vertebral column then takes an acute form and appears in the center of the vertebra. Very often, diagnostic imaging is necessary to fully confirm and determine the extent of the fracture. The type of imaging is determined by the doctor, who also decides on further treatment.

Pain in the lumbar spine at night
Occurring during sleep, spinal pain has a very negative effect on the entire body. By disrupting sleep, it leads to an impairment of the body’s natural regeneration process and can contribute to the appearance of other conditions. In the initial phase, adopting a comfortable position with the help of suitable pillows and physical exercise can help. However, if the problem persists or gets worse, it is necessary to see a specialist and find out what is causing the problem.
Bending pain in the lumbar spine
Movement, and in particular bending forward, is a very common activator of pain. Bending pain in the lumbar spine can have many causes. Different groups of muscles, ligaments and joints are involved during this type of movement, so the cause of this type of pain may lie on the side of the soft tissues as well as the lumbar spine. It is important to fully understand the cause of the pain as this determines the further management of the forms of treatment and prevention.
Pain in the lumbar spine and lower abdomen
Problems with the lumbar spine do not usually cause symptoms associated with lower abdominal pain or the abdomen itself. Therefore, this is always a wake-up call because, for example, severe lumbar back pain with lower abdominal pain accompanied by nausea and vomiting can be a symptom of renal colic. If pain occurs in these areas during menstruation or ovulation, it may be related to endometriosis, which always needs to be checked by a doctor.

Lumbar back pain, what helps?
Lumbar pain has a wide variety of causes. Depending on the cause and the intensity of the complaint, different methods of treatment are used. Most often, it is a combination of several types of action, consisting mainly of pharmacology, physiotherapy, massage, appropriately selected healthy spine prophylaxis and, in the most severe cases, surgery.
Cold and warm compresses
Lumbar spine complaints that result from a muscle strain pass more quickly when a cold compress is applied. Warmth is recommended in other cases; these types of compresses help to relax the muscles and also reduce pain.
Vibrotherapy for lumbar back pain
As one of the physical therapy treatments, vibrotherapy can be successfully used at home. This type of treatment has a documented analgesic effect, no side effects and a very short list of contraindications. All this speaks in favor of using this method. It is one of the most effective ways of reducing back pain, especially back pain caused by overloading. In order to fully benefit from the positive effects of virotherapy, it is important to select an effective device. On the Polish market, the undisputed leader in the production of vibrotherapy devices is the Vitberg company. The Vitberg RS vibrotherapy system of this brand enables you to perform treatments for the lower and middle spine in the comfort of your own home.

Exercises for lumbar pain
We are often reminded of exercise when we have had lumbar spine pain for a long time. We forget that exercise will provide relief, but it should be a major part of the prevention of a healthy spine. If we have already been diagnosed with a lumbar spine condition, any exercises should be performed after consulting a doctor or physiotherapist. The most recommended exercises are those that stretch and relax tense muscles, strengthening the abdominal muscles and the muscles of the lower back. Their intensity should always be individually adapted to the patient’s condition and capabilities.
How to relieve lumbar back pain?
The basic elements to cure lumbar spine complaints and relieve nagging back pain include pharmacology, physical therapy, prophylaxis and, in extreme cases, surgery. Their combination and selection depends on the severity of the ailment and the reasons causing it.
Vitberg RS for the management of lumbar back pain
People suffering from lumbar back pain can benefit from physical treatments such as magnetotherapy, cryotherapy or ultrasound. This type of treatment also includes vibrotherapy, which can be used at home. Noteworthy, vibrotherapy not only has an analgesic effect, but also:
- has an anti-inflammatory effect,
- reduces muscle tension,
- improves blood supply to soft tissues and bones,
- reduces swelling and puffiness,
- strengthens muscles
One of the most advanced in terms of refinement of the vibration stimulus is the Vitberg RS device for home vibration therapy, which has both a local (where the pain is located) and a general (whole body) effect.
When back pain occurs sporadically and its severity is not great, you can use home remedies for pain relief.
Anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers for lumbar back pain
For some pain, the use of appropriate anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs and rest for a few days is sufficient. The pharmaceuticals used are selected according to the severity of the pain. In some cases, the doctor may also decide to administer muscle relaxants and drugs to speed up the regeneration of the nervous system. However, it is important to remember that this type of treatment should be short-lived and that painkillers should not be overused.
Massage and physiotherapy
Massage helps to improve comfort during illness, relaxes excessively tense muscles and can provide relief from discomfort. Various physical therapy treatments are also frequently used. These use different types of physical stimuli for treatment, such as heat or cold, magnetic fields, ultrasound, radiation emitted by lasers, various types of therapeutic currents used in electrotherapy treatments and vibrations, used in vibrotherapy, which have an analgesic effect by directly affecting the nervous system and relaxing muscles.

Vibrotherapy for lumbar back pain
A physical therapy method that can be used at home to relieve back pain in the lumbar spine and beyond is vibrotherapy. It uses vibration, or mechanical vibration, to take action. The analgesic effect of vibrotherapy is explained by the so-called gated theory of pain. According to which, every pain impulse passes through a point in the spinal cord. If this impulse does not hit another stronger one, pain information is sent to the brain. Vibration is precisely the stronger impulse by which pain signals are reduced. This mechanism has been explained in detail by scientists.
Polish research into the effects of vibration therapy in the treatment of lumbosacral back pain has been conducted, among others, at the Medical University of Łódź. After the therapy, an 88% reduction in pain intensity was reported in patients suffering from acute pain, and a 50% reduction in pain intensity in patients with chronic pain.”[1]
- Mrozek P. (2010) Ocena wyników leczenia dolegliwości bólowych kręgosłupa w odcinku lędźwiowo-krzyżowym masażem wibroakustycznym, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi.